program design

program design

Program design help your audience develop attitudes and behaviours that are good for them, and good for your organisation.

Program Design

  • If knowledge was all you needed for positive outcomes, dentists would never eat sugar and managers would stop scheduling zoom calls. We know that knowledge sharing isn’t enough – we need to create and delivery content that builds self-efficacy, desire and strategies for participants to adopt new behaviours for the long term.

  • Our programs ditch the one-size-fits-all model to behaviour change, and instead meets participants where they are. Content and program structure is designed to align with the worldviews, age and voice of your audience.

  • How knowledge delivered is just as, if not more, important that the knowledge itself. Our team will work with you to ensure that your program is delivered in a form that will have the most significant impact for your audience.

Raising the Bar

  • Department of Skills and Training

  • Newcastle’s hospitality sector was experiencing significant employment gaps. To address this, Nudge On was commissioned to encourage local job seekers to consider entering the industry. The goal was to challenge negative stereotypes about hospo work (i.e. sticky floors, scary management, crap hours) and make the sector sexy again.

  • Program design with a twist

    We created a blended program, comprising of digital project-based tasks and physical ‘bar hopping’ workshops hosted with 7 local venues.

    An experience you won’t need a drink to recover from

    The program stayed away from lectures on waiting tables and OHS safety, and invited participants to step into the new face of hospo culture: mixology, craft beer and distilling.

    An outcome that deserves a ‘cheers’

    The program bolstered the desire and self-efficacy of participants to enter the industry, with 15 local job seekers transitioning into after-dark roles as a result of their involvement.

Animal Advocacy

  • Youngistaan Animal Heroes

  • The client, an NGO based in India, engaged Nudge On to revamp their in-school animal justice program. In its original form, the program was struggling to have its desired impact due to content that wasn’t landing with the audience.

  • Matching content with age and stage

    Prior to engaging with Nudge On, the YAH program was delivered in the same format regardless of the age and stage of the audience (e.g. 5-year old’s and 17-year old’s completed the same activities). In our rebuild, we designed a series of workshops that aligned with the developmental milestones of different participant groups.

    Taking out the ‘chalk and talk’

    For behaviour change to occur, participants need the opportunity to practice their new skills. To nudge action towards animal justice, we replaced the time allocated to taking at participants with windows for students to rehearse their animal advocacy skills.

    Turning insight to action

    It’s one thing to want to make a difference, and quite another to know what to do. Each workshop ended with specific actions students could take to bring their animal justice skills to the real-world.