Harnessing Intrinsic Motivation in Digital Learning

student engaged in self learning

The essence of effective digital learning isn't in the pixels or the animations—it's rooted in our interest and engagement.

Learning is much more effective when it feels personal and stimulates a genuine desire to know more!

Intrinsic motivation is the inner drive that makes us want to learn or do something without expecting a reward. It's about the joy of learning, not just getting a gold star or a high score.

Consider the last time you went down an internet rabbit hole. When you eagerly scroll through an article or binge-watch tutorial videos out of sheer interest, that pull, that desire you're experiencing is intrinsic motivation.

This self-driven desire to learn doesn't rely on external rewards or validation but stems from genuine interest:

●     Lasting Knowledge: When we learn because we want to, we're more likely to remember it.

●     Enjoyment: It's way more fun to learn when it feels like a choice, not a chore.

●     Tailored pace: Embracing intrinsic motivation allows for individualised learning speeds. Listening to our inner drive helps us learn at our own rhythm.

●     Meaningful Engagement: When we connect personally with what we're learning, it sticks. We're not just storing information; we're embedding experiences.

●     Natural Enthusiasm: Genuine curiosity turns learning from a task into an exciting exploration. It's the spark that lights up our learning journey.

●     Deep Connection: We retain more when we're emotionally invested. It's the difference between memorising facts and living a story.

●     Joyful Journeys: Exploration fuelled by curiosity feels less like work and more like adventure.

How do we make the most of this natural motivation in digital learning?

●     Relevant Content: Lessons should connect to real life or personal interests.

●     Storytelling: Turn raw content into relatable narratives and scenarios. People remember stories more than isolated facts.

●     Learner Autonomy: Allow learners the freedom to choose topics or delve deeper into areas they're curious about. Offer options in learning paths, letting users carve their own journey.

●     Gradual Challenges: Create learning experiences that grow in complexity, ensuring learners always find them stimulating without feeling overwhelmed. Enticing enough to engage, but not so tough they discourage.

●     Progress Reflection: Enable learners to see their development and achievements, reinforcing their internal motivation.

It's natural for motivation to have its peaks and troughs. When enthusiasm dips, it's important to pinpoint the cause—whether it's the nature of the content, platform usability, or external life factors—and find ways to reignite that spark.

Digital platforms offer an expansive world of information and skills, but it's our internal drive, our intrinsic motivation, that truly unlocks their potential.

By focusing on this personal interest, we can elevate digital learning from a mere process to a transformative experience.

Need more?

Want to learn more about intrinsic motivation and how to design learning experiences where the learner’s self-desire is the main motivator? Get in touch.

About the author

Tricia Martin is an FYA Young Social Pioneer and an Australian Women Leading Tech Finalist. She also coached an Under 9’s netball team in her local community, which she thinks is just as impressive. She continually looks for ways to use technology, behavioural science and digital experiences to meet people’s needs and find people-centred solutions to messy problems. She spends her free time reading sci-fi books, scouring thrift stores and watching Buffy for the fifteenth time.


Gen Z and Alpha: Crafting Learning Experiences for Tomorrow's Leaders